Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Formulating Business Strategies

T- Mobile has chosen to dominate its market by targeting a particular customer group, such as teenagers. lets take for example the Sidekicks. They were the first movers or first entrants into the market with such a product design. Because of t-mobile's creativity, it has landed them as being the top celluar provider to teenagers ranging between 12years old up to Mid 30's. This type of phone domiates the market especially in high schools and colleges.Lets not just focus on 'regular teenagers, but also teenagers in the spot light, such as 'Bow Wow, and Run's House Daughters and son. Even though this market is competitive and other rival companies are trying to replicate this product, this still have a major advantage over its rival competitors because they were the first ones to define such as market with such an amazing product.

Delta offers customer service to more destinations than any other global airline. They service 311 destinations in 52 countries also adding 60 new international routes in the last year.. This company is adding more international flights than any other Major U.S. airline and is the leader accross the the Atlantic. So the big question is, "Why Delta?" Delta has become well know in the airline industry because it has gained a competitve advantage over its competitors by Flying to more destinations than any of its competitors and at the same time offering low prices buy adjusting to its demand and supply. In other words Delta has stated its postion by Market share by allowing its firm to dominate major distribution channels.

Bmw's business is about delivering. It's a concept inherent to both BMW corporate sales and BMW models, such as its performance, innovation,commitment, and its strong financial postion

BMW has well made its name in the car insdustry. They have secured competitive advantage by differentiating their products through pricing and quality. They have gained competitve advantage over its rival competitors because their widespread introduction of efficient dyamics technologies that increased engine output, reduce emissions and improve fuel consumption.They occupied a market niche that provided them with a secure market position.

There cars are seen as luxury cars,executive cars and also best sports utility vehichles.When compared to other competitive firms of its own ,such as Audi and mercedes, they lead in such features as Max power, Emissions , Consumption and VED Bands.


Haiqun Lu said...

Yes, it's true that T-mobile's sidekick has earned the company some market share of among teenagers, but that's not enough for T-mobile to be a good example of DOMINATE market share.

First, Sidekick is an expensive product, and most teenagers do not have the ability to buy or afford such product. Also, it requires $20monthly charge in additon to your voice plan monthly fee. Usually, the parents are paying the bills for them and not many parents are willing to pay this additonal $20 monthly fee becasue they do not think it's a necessary. The only reason teenagers buy sidekick is becasue they do a lot of text message or Instant message. But almost all of the other phones have this feature, and do not cost as much as Sidekick.

Enara said...

I love Delta; flew int’l this winter - new leather plane & very friendly staff! However I feel like you never know in the airline industry, it seems to be going in waves, one company rises, another falls, and yet another is right behind. Do you think Delta will sustain it’s current advantage?

Petar Petrov said...

A note on the T-mobile competitive advantage. What you are saying basically explains why T-mobile got the grasp on the young crowd. Yet, what we are missing here is the reason why T-mobile will CONTINUE to dominate the market share and possibly even increase it simply because they were first. I think the argument here is that they really don't have a first-mover advantage since no barrier to entry has been raised as a result of it. Thus I would say that T-mobiles competitive advantage sources from niche dominance and continuous targeting of a very specific group of users.

Danny Levin said...

I'm not sure if BMW differentiates itself by being a good quality car. BMW is known for it's performance and that it does deliver every year. However, BMW, Mercedez and Audi actually have bad quality. The leaders in the auto market when it comes to quality are mainly the Japanese with Toyota and Lexus. Honda and Nissan are making its way up that ladder as well. I actually believe that BMW is a great car, and if their quality would match that of Lexus, it would be the best car on the market.